Ability to Restart our ImmyBot instance without needing to engage suppport

When we get the dreaded “504.0 Gateway Timeout” or are experiencing other system issues where we can’t restart our instance ourselves (Show more>System Status>Restart immy.bot), our only course of action is to reach out to support and have them restart our instance for us. This could be quick or could take a long time especially if we’re having an issue outside of the normal support hours.

It would be nice to be able to automate a instance restart or manually be able to trigger one when we can’t logon to ImmyBot.

Here are a few thoughts I had on how we can accomplish this:

  • Have a monitor that checks for the 504.0 error and automatically restarts the instance.

  • Setup an email address (i.e. [email protected]) that will use logic from the sender domain to reboot our instance automatically.

  • Have a ImmySupport Portal where we can push a button to restart our instance

Yes, it’s a killer when it happens on a Saturday morning and we can’t get it rebooted until Monday. All weekend projects have to halt.