Bare-Metal ImmyBot using OSDCloud (hydration pack provided)

So far I have found this one of the most satisfying ways to install a fresh OS with ImmyBot deploying right out the gate. OSDCloud is a WinPE environment for installing various Windows editions and dynamically installing an OEMs provided SCCM driver pack to the detected model. In addition, during the install process it can use the SetupComplete phase to embed a provisioning package for further installation when it reboots to the OOBE. This is where an ImmyBot provisioning package can take over. This is how the process might look (at least the way I use it):

Here’s a hydration pack I made to get started:
(Note: always review scripts from the internet before using them)

#Region CheckAdmin
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]'Administrator')) {
    Write-Host "You didn't run this script as an Administrator. This script will self elevate to run as an Administrator and continue.  3"
    Start-Sleep 1
    Write-Host "You didn't run this script as an Administrator. This script will self elevate to run as an Administrator and continue.  2"
    Start-Sleep 1
    Write-Host "You didn't run this script as an Administrator. This script will self elevate to run as an Administrator and continue.  1"
	Start-Sleep 1
    Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList ("-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"{0}`" -WhitelistApps {1}" -f $PSCommandPath, ($WhitelistApps -join ',')) -Verb RunAs
#EndRegion CheckAdmin

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Welcome to OSDCloud ImmyBot Environment Hydration Pack`n`n"

#Region CheckInstallADK
if (!((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit*"}).Displayname).count) {
	Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue @"
The Windows ADK was not detected, preparing to download and install it now.
1. May 2024
2. Sept 2023
Which version would you like to install (You will need to install Insider's edition manually)
"@ -nonewline;[ValidateSet("1","2")]$ADKanswer = Read-Host " "
	switch ($ADKanswer) {
		'1' { $ADKURL = "" }
		'2' { $ADKURL = "" }
	$ADKFile = "$($env:windir)\TEMP\adksetup.exe"
	Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADKURL" -Passthru -Outfile "$ADKFile" | Out-Null
	$Process = Start-Process $ADKFile -ArgumentList "/quiet /norestart /features OptionId.DeploymentTools" -Passthru -Wait
	if ($Process.ExitCode -eq 0){
		Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "Windows ADK successfully installed."
	} else {
		Write-Host -Foreground Red "Windows ADK was not installed, aborting..."
} else {
	Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "Windows ADK is detected, continuing..."

if (!((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit Windows Preinstallation Environment*"}).Displayname).count) {
	Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue @"
	The Windows ADK WinPE Plugin was not detected, preparing to download and install it now.
1. May 2024
2. Sept 2023
The version should match your ADK installation (You will need to install Insider's edition manually)
"@ -nonewline;[ValidateSet("1","2")]$ADKWinPEanswer = Read-Host " "

	switch ($ADKWinPEanswer) {
		'1' { $ADKWinPEURL = "" }
		'2' { $ADKWinPEURL = "" }
	$ADKWinPEFile = "$($env:windir)\TEMP\adkwinpesetup.exe"
	Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADKWinPEURL" -Passthru -Outfile "$ADKWinPEFile" | Out-Null
	$Process = Start-Process $ADKWinPEFile -ArgumentList "/quiet /norestart" -Passthru -Wait
	if ($Process.ExitCode -eq 0){
		Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "Windows ADK WinPE Plugin successfully installed."
	} else {
		Write-Host -Foreground Red "Windows ADK WinPE Plugin was not installed, aborting..."
} else {
	Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "Windows ADK WinPE Plugin is detected, continuing..."
#EndRegion CheckInstallADK

#Region GetUserInputWithValidation
$DirectoryValidationScriptBlock = {
	if( [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_) -or $_ -eq "" -or $null -eq $_ ){
		return $true
	} else {
		return $false

$FileValidationScriptBlock = {
	if( [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_) -or $_ -eq "" -or $null -eq $_ ){
		return $true
	} else {
		return $false

[ValidateScript({. $DirectoryValidationScriptBlock})]$WorkspaceRootPath = Read-Host "Please enter the root path for your OSDCloud workspace (if nothing is entered, 'C:\' will be used)"
[ValidateScript({. $DirectoryValidationScriptBlock})]$WallpaperPath     = Read-Host "Please enter a path to your desired wallpaper (or leave blank to use the default)"
[String]$Brand                                                          = Read-Host "Please enter a brand name to use for the title (or leave blank to use the default)"
[ValidateScript({. $FileValidationScriptBlock})]$WifiProfile            = Read-Host "Please enter an XML WiFi profile, if desired (must be in plain-text)"
#EndRegion GetUserInputWithValidation

#Region BuildOSDCloud
if ( "OSD" -notin $(Get-InstalledModule).Name ){
	Install-Module OSD -Force
Import-Module OSD -Force

if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty("$WorkspaceRootPath")) {
	Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "No workspace path entered, defaulting to 'C:\'."
	$WorkspaceRootPath = "C:"

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath" -Name "OSDCloud" -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud" | Out-Null

New-OSDCloudTemplate -Name "WinRE" -SetAllIntl en-us -WinRE | Out-Null
New-OSDCloudWorkspace "OSDCloud_Dev"  | Out-Null
New-OSDCloudWorkspace "OSDCloud_Prod" | Out-Null

Set-OSDCloudWorkSpace -WorkspacePath "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Prod" | Out-Null
Write-Host "OSDcloud workspace was set to OSDCloud_Prod"

$UserDefinedParameters = @{}

switch ($true) {
	(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty("$WallpaperPath")) { $UserDefinedParameters["Wallpaper"]   = $WallpaperPath }
	(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty("$Brand"))         { $UserDefinedParameters["Brand"]       = $Brand         }
	(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty("$WifiProfile"))   { $UserDefinedParameters["WifiProfile"] = $WifiProfile   }

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Appending Parameters => Wallpaper:$($UserDefinedParameters.Wallpaper) Brand:$($UserDefinedParameters.Brand) WifiProfile:$($UserDefinedParameters.WifiProfile)"
Edit-OSDCloudWinPE -CloudDriver Dell,HP,IntelNet,LenovoDock,Nutanix,Surface,USB,WiFi -StartOSDCloudGUI -WirelessConnect @UserDefinedParameters
#EndRegion BuildOSDCloud

#Region Provisioning
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Dev" -Name "Automate" -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Dev\Automate" -Name "Provisioning" -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Prod" -Name "Automate" -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Prod\Automate" -Name "Provisioning" -Force | Out-Null

[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]$PPKGFile = $(Read-Host "Please enter the path to your ImmyBot provisioning package").Replace("`"","")
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Copying $PPKGFile to the provisioning directory in your OSDCloud workspace."
Copy-Item -Path "$PPKGFile" -Destination "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Dev\Automate\Provisioning" -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path "$PPKGFile" -Destination "$WorkspaceRootPath\OSDCloud\OSDCloud_Prod\Automate\Provisioning" -Force | Out-Null
#EndRegion Provisioning

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Hydration Is Complete For Your OSDCloud ImmyBot Environment!"
  • Save this as a ps1 file

  • Make sure you temporarily change the execution policy to either bypass or remotesigned

  • Have a provisioning package ready (do NOT enable the Windows reset option)

  • If you don’t want to use the default wallpaper, have one ready (in bmp format)

  • Run the script as an administrator (if you run as a standard user it is equipped to fix itself)

  • The hydration pack will stop a few times to request user input, be sure to keep an eye on it

If you run into any issues, feel free to let me know about them. This script works, but I intend to keep optimizing it.

I’ll be maintaining it here: GitHub - TitanDeploy/OSDCloud.Immy.Bot: Scripts to bring together these two great technologies.

OSDCloud Documentation:

tl;dr - This is a reaaaally cool way to use Immy!