Configure windows update settings / Disable windows update notifications

Other RMM tools have a function where, once you enable patching in those tools, it tells windows that the RMM tool is managing patching and disables user notifications for windows updates.

For those of us that only use ImmyBot (not ImmyBot + another RMM), it would be great to have this option available in the “Install Windows Updates (Beta)” task parameters.

@Aaron_Pleus I’m going to hijack your request a little bit and expand on it.

There is some pre reqs needing to be done before we start adding more items like these to the windows update task, but there is more I think we should be adding as well.

Remove access to use all Windows Update features (
I used to do this so end users wouldn’t run updates on endpoints meaning it would bypass the update approval process

Remove access to “Pause updates” feature (
Not allowing the end user to pause updates as out in the wild I would find users paused windows updates trying to avoid getting them

I think there was a few more I had in mind but these are a starting point to build out a list.

Display options for update notifications (
I think these are the keys that will do the notifications one you are after. You could create a task for now until these can be combined to set the keys to disable them.

If anyone has anymore windows update settings they think should be added please feel welcome to add them here, where possible add a reference on what the registry keys would be to set them.

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