CW Manage Agreement Product

When picking an agreement by product from CW PSA in a deployment, we sometimes have things that are named very similarly or even identically in the description – but we have no way of knowing which is which in the dropdown.

Can this be improved and display the Product ID beside the description?

I use Halo as opposed to Connectwise, but I don’t know why displaying the ID would make this any easier? Sounds like this needs to be cleaned up on the PSA side, imo.

The field I am referring to is not the unique identifier integer. It is the known to us text identifier. Think of it as a SKU. There are business reasons why the same description exists but the product ID makes it clear which you are picking.

It would be ideal if the picker was in the format: Description (Product ID)

And it would be even better if we could pick more than one product to pick within the deployment. Same for other filtering properties like agreement type.

Any more thoughts on this @DimitriRodis ?

Following up on this again. @DimitriRodis

No additional thoughts here beyond what I said originally–I don’t think displaying the ID is going to make this any easier without knowing what agreement it is attached to, and I’d personally clean this up from the PSA end.

Hi Dimitri - we can run into this as well. The product ID is more of a SKU and we sometimes have the same descriptions for things. It is separate from the _RecID which is the numeric ID in the database.

Thanks for stating that better.