Datto recently had an issue where its built-in automatic agent update system broke. So, we now have to manually update their agents.
I wanted to request a “simple” install/update/uninstall software be added to ImmyBot’s software for these agents. Please note, this does not require, to my knowledge, any additional parameters, its a simple “install/update/uninstall”
There are a couple options when it comes to obtaining the agents.
First would be the “traditional” method using the Datto downloads page which lists all of their software downloads
The specific download URL’s for the latest Datto agents are as follows:
Siris/Alto (Datto Windows Agent)
Installation/Uninstall instructions from Vendor:
Installing the Datto Windows Agent
Performing a silent install of the Datto Windows Agent
Uninstalling or Reinstalling the Datto Windows Agent
Endpoint Backup for PCs (Cloud Continuity)
Installation/Uninstall instructions from Vendor
Installing and Registering the Datto Endpoint Backup for PCs Agent Installing and Registering the Datto Endpoint Backup for PCs Agent
Additionally, as a part of the recent known issue with the automatic updates, Datto did post an RMM/Scripted update option:
Manual Update Required for Datto Windows Agents
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘https://cf-dl.datto.com/tools/agent-update.ps1’))
- Deploy this PowerShell script via an elevated (System or Admin) PowerShell session (Local, Remote or via RMM) or include it in your automation scripts.
- This powershell is signed by Datto.
- This script checks to see if an agent is installed; if no agent is installed, it will quit silently and log an error.
- If an agent is installed and on the latest version, it will quit silently and log the status.
- If an agent is installed and it is not of the latest version, it will update the agent to the latest version. No reboot is required.