Dell Updates

Modify configuration task, allow an optional BIOS password to be provided. Modify script to include the BIOS password for BIOS updates when the BIOS password is provided.

@Andrew_Bryson , Dell Command Updates and setting BIOS options are definitely unrelated things.

I have a script that will set Dell BIOS settings, but I am waiting for the child actions feature to be re-done/re-introduced into immy before it would make its way to global.

@DimitriRodis What about a temporary workaround by utilizing the “Dell Command | Configure” app which is designed to set bios settings and has a cli option? Would that be considered until the better option is available?

I’m confused - the global deployment allows you to specify Types. If you include Bios in the updates, and you have a BIOS password, then it will fail. I don’t disagree that a deployment of the software and the BIOS updates should be separate, but I don’t believe that’s how it is currently configured.

BIOS updates and BIOS settings are two different things. Dell Command Update does not allow for modification of BIOS settings, so it is unrelated.

Like I said, I have a script that allows Dell BIOS settings to be modified. The problem is that the Dell BIOS powershell module requires vc++ as a pre-requisite and there isn’t a nice/proper way to ensure its installation without software pre-requisites on tasks, or child actions. Even if those things existed, @DarrenDK does not want individual BIOS option scripts, but instead wants BIOS options to be automatically set when needed by a task elsewhere–so, running the “Wake-On-Lan” task will set both the BIOS and Windows settings for you, or “BitLocker” will set both the BIOS and Windows to enable/leverage the TPM.

Interesting… I was getting an error when including the BIOS in the deployment, and when I ran it on the workstation, it was barking at me for a BIOS password. I didn’t investigate further.

Perfect - looking forward to the updates when they become available.