External CyberCNS detection

There will be instances were we onboard a company were the OLD IT had CyberCNS. We want to incorporate the detection of other CyberCNS agents in the detection for CyberCNS.

This can be easily checked if the device has CyberCNS agent you can check the config file for the Company ID with the following code:

$configFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberCNSAgentV2\agentRegistrationData.json"
$testResult = JsonKey-ShouldBe -Path $configFile -Key "companyid" -Value $cybercnscompanyid

Would it be possible to incorporate for the detection on CyberCNS to reinstall if it doesn’t match?

So now that I have gotten the new integration going in Immy for ConnectSecure V4–does ConnectSecure allow multiple/side by side versions to be installed like Screenconnect, or is it only one and we need to verify that it is the correct companyid?