Granular Technician Permissions

Hey Guys,

As Immy has evolved for us, it is now used by everyone in the business. But I and a handful of others are still the only users with permissions high enough to create, edit or delete deployments.

Ideally, we want technicians to have the ability to edit deployments, mainly just the parameters. For instance, Sophos Endpoint, our customers time to time will upgrade to a higher tier for more protection and that will require additional features be checked on the deployment.

What takes 2 seconds to update, can take hours / days depending on when one of us with permission has time to look at it. Where a tech with the actual ticket to perform the upgrade could also just do it in 2 seconds.

Can permissions finally be reviewed? It’s something that has been asked for a lot, always told “it’s coming” but here we are

If you wanted to get super fancy, maybe even just certain tasks have access to be modified by lower permission tiers, but even the former is sufficient for us.

@DarrenDK some of this is coming in 56, yes?

Maybe in 57? This (plus restricting access to tenants) is a major security issue for us too.

Would this feature request cover specific tenants that can be access by level 1, 2, 3 roles, etc. Or Pod1 can access ClientA, Pod2 can access clientB

level 1-3 being separate roles
Pod1 and Pod2 being separate roles

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I’d like to see this prioritized over other new features. For our company this is preventing us from giving all our technicians access to Immybot or some of our customers. For years we have been told “its coming” but all we have so far is user or full admin and instead new features are prioritized.

I think its perfectly acceptable to have a permission system and say its still a work in progress and there may be issues with it currently.


Would love to see this implemented soon, its preventing us from being able to give access to other engineers!

A little disheartening to see this has been planned for almost two years now with no updates, this would really benefit us. We are currently on the starter plan and already having talks to move up to using Immy to do more and moving to the full plan, but we’re pretty restricted with how we can do that until we get better permission options.

Any updates on when we might see this start getting added to Immy?