Help with Dynamic Versions or deployment request for virtio and qemu

I can’t seem to get this to work, i think it’s fialing because latest-virtio redirects

Get-DynamicVersionsFromURL -URL ''
-VersionsURLPattern ‘(?<Version>[\d\.]+-\d+)/(?<FileName>virtio-win-gt-x64\.msi))’

latest-virtio is an alias to the most recent version, and the version is in the url

also, how do we write dynamic versions so they automatically pick x64 or x86

I want to create deployments for


if i end up being able to create it myself, I will submit a request for global :slight_smile:

This worked for me.
Get-DynamicVersionFromInstallerURL ‘
Just append the MSI name to the end of the alias, and you’re set!