How do I deploy Windows 11 Upgrade?

I can see there was a feature request for Windows 11 Upgrade that is marked as complete, but I can’t find the relevant task to run within Immy.

Can someone please advise which task to run for WIndows 11 upgrade, or is this feature still in development?

Use the Target Feature Version to set your version to Windows 11, and then use the windows update task to make it happen. These two tasks are being combined (by me) and should be released this month.

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Hi I don’t see the Target Feature Version option in Tasks there is only a Task to Block Windows 11 in my global list is this something I would have to create? can you post some screenshots or link to guide?

Thank You

Hi Winston,

I just had a look myself. You need to use the “Target Windows Feature Version (Block Windows 11)” task and create a deployment so you can edit the parameters. Default parameters are REMOVE which blocks Windows 11. But you can edit this default value when creating a deployment and select Windows 11 as the target:

Just to be clear, REMOVE removes the entries from the registry–that doesn’t necessarily block Windows 11. If you have Windows 10 and set the ProductVersion to Windows 10, Windows 11 will NEVER be offered or install over Windows 10 (for example).

@Gav has recently updated the notes on the task with link references for further understanding of how this Microsoft implemented feature works–on the Immy side, the script is simply setting 3 Windows Registry entries based on the parameters chosen.

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