After the N-Central integration I’ve noticed that some machines are appearing in the wrong tenants, with the wrong primary users. This might be because we had set it up the first time before the integration got fixed, and I think they might have just stayed broken when we enabled it again after the fix.
In any case, I’m slowly weeding out the problem computers. But it leaves me thinking that there should be some kind of monitoring built into the daily inventory check that says “Hey, this tenant slug and this tenant don’t belong together” or “this domain and this tenant slug”, etc. At which point, if a mismatching computer is identified, maybe it gets one of these, , in the computers list
Not sure I would agree. A “slug” is not associated with a computer, it is associated with a tenant only–so there isn’t a way to compare them.
Additionally, if this is what’s (still) happening, this would be a bug, and the proper thing to do is open a support ticket so the issue can be raised with the devs to fix the bug and not write band-aid code to monitor a rare condition caused by a bug in a single integration.
Tenant slug was just an example. It could easily be a check between the domain, tenant, or primary user. I still feel like it’s worth informing users when devices are not where they are supposed to be. For example, imagine running maintenance on tenant 1 only to find out that a computer at tenant 2 has suddenly installed all the LOBs and licenses from tenant 1. If inventory just ran a little extra logic to compare values that it is already pulling, it could be so much easier for end users to identify problem devices.
In any case, I’ll submit a support request on Monday, I guess. Hopefully the devs can do something about it
Ya, I wouldn’t want computers in the wrong tenant either–but in two years it just hasn’t happened to us. The only cases of this that I’m aware of are the N-Central issues which from what I understand were resolved (but I could be wrong). They absolutely did end up having a call with N-Central devs about the issue, and N-Central basically has a long-standing known issue where their API can’t deal with parallel requests.