Do we have a timeline for when we can have the feature of zero-touch deployments that can be integrated with Windows Autopilot and Immy?
If you have Business Premium licensing or higher, you can use Autopilot to enroll your device in Endpoint Manager. From Endpoint Manager, push an Immy agent with automatic onboarding enabled. This allows Immy to handle the rest of the onboarding.
Is this what you’re looking for @Amanpal_Singh ? I believe @Anthony_Birone and a number of other Immy users use this method regularly.
Hello @DimitriRodis ,
Using some extra hardware and a virtual machine, I’m going to test this out. Once I’ve done that, I’ll be able to provide more information. In case there is an issue, I will reach out.
Do you recommend having the ImmyAgent pushed when the user signs in the first time?
We are experimenting with this very setup, where Intune/Autopilot only deploy one app - the Immy Agent.
However, some of the onboarding tasks we use require reboot, so while the user configuration/enrollment is happening - Immy will restart the device and we get some fuckery with the remaining user enrollment.
We push the first time they sign in. We also found that disabling the enrollment status page in Intune works best.
For tasks that require a resart (Lenovo updates, etc.), we move those to the end of our list in the Immy ordering tab. This tells Immy to do everything else before restarting. It also gives you the ability to cancel a session before the restarts occur. Useful for the rushed device replacements.
Maybe it’s a philosophy thing, but besides the rushed replacement scenario, we prefer all the “device” specific features to be in place at the user’s first sign in.
We fiddled a bit with using Pre-provisioning (white glove) to push it, have it do the initial onboard and then ship it to the user.
Will try fiddling with the user setup without ESP.
Do you scope the install for the users? Would very much like specifics if you don’t mind sharing
We have reverted to using USB’s with provisioning packages, not 22h2 of course,
We have an unattended file to install windows 10/11 automatically then on initial boot the provisioning package takes over the oobe and deploys,
I can however understand that the desire for a new device to be ready to go would be desirable however considering that Autopilot appears to be aimed at new devices from the manufacturers I feel that the first run can not be avoided,
We handle the autopilot by using the script option in intune (scripts deploy before installers and are much faster to run) then get immybot to complete the onboarding automatically.
Is this in production?
Enroll in Autopilot (Beta).
We have tested the windows pilot and it is working fine but checking if Immy can do the same with this task.
This task has been marked Beta for years. I’ve used it on a couple of clients and seems to work fine, but I have not looked specifically at the code for it recently.
If I had to guess, it might need some updating to include scripting/code to make sure that the newest ImmyBot agent gets installed vs packaging a fixed version of the agent? @TerryW @Dakota.Lewis @Anthony_Birone ?