ITGlue - Issues with LAPS Password Association

I have an issue wherein a device that does not have a unique serial number (examples like 123456789, $(DEFAULT_STRING) or To be filled by O.E.M.) and I run the LAPS Global Script, it associates the generated password with a random device in ITG that has the same serial number

I think the script should be using both hostname and serial number to confirm that the device exists in the company in ITG.

Same here, I have a consultant that REALLY liked to deploy Sagers at client locations… they don’t put the serial number in their bios… >:(

A follow up on this issue from last year, crazy that I happen to be working on it exactly a year later minus a day. The ability to change the serial number on the device which overwrites the serial number which the audit pulls in would be helpful, this would allow us to create a unique serial number in ImmyBot and a unique serial number in ITG so LAPS can execute on IOT devices with To be filled by O.E.M that relate to their device in ITG.

I am working with N-central to allow the same feature; some of these serial numbers are either impossible to change (imaging devices in healthcare) or require onsite and BIOS access to change. Immy allowing us to customize a serial number for these types of devices would be a great first step, I will work with NCentral on the second.

Ultimately, asking for this

Serial Number pulled in by audit, if no custom serial number set then it is always the serial number from the audit
If the serial number in the audit is different than the custom serial number assigned to the device, then do not overwrite.
LAPS should pull the variable from an ImmyBot query rather than running wmic or powershell command