Maintenance Target Scope "Exclude" filter

When creating maintenance schedules, the option to exclude some devices based on a tag or another Azure Group (if Target Type was an Azure Group).

We frequently want to schedule a maintenance for “all active employees” but then some users might need to be excluded. This means we either have to make a static Azure Group, or create a custom filter script - which is a bit of a bother.

Being able to exclude certain devices when there are “exceptions” would be preferable over having to create and maintain group memberships.

The ability to use exclusion in Deployments, as well as schedules ETC. would be awesome!

This can actually be done, albeit in a roundabout kind of way. You can make an “Exclude” tag, and then create a filter script like so:

Get-ImmyComputer -IncludeTags | ? {$_.Name -NotContains "Exclude"}

Then tag the devices you want to exclude, and this filter script will target all the devices that don’t have that tag.

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I came here looking for how people handled this sort of thing. We have one or two people at multiple clients who are intent on not saving their work and don’t want their machines rebooted overnight. I’d really like to be able to flag them or their machines as “special” to exclude them from a scheduled maintenance and then make a special maintenance window for them that runs during business hours and emails them to reboot.

I am happy to have found the Computers Excluded From Maintenance section in the Tenant because that solves some other problems with legacy stuff but if it blocks all scheduled maintenance it is a little heavy handed for workstations that just need the user to be notified automatically (and not at 2am when the normal workstation schedule runs).