New Microsoft Teams client deployment

Microsoft has a new Teams client. According to the Teams admin center, the “classic” client will automatically update to the new client on 3/31/24 on systems that don’t have it yet. Installers and such can be found here. I didn’t see a listing for the new client in the Library or options to have the current deployment install the new client, so please correct me if I missed something.

Just BUMPing this up…well I guess it’s more like BUHP?

also, posting this here by @homotechsual

New teams software has been added to global “New Microsoft Teams (work or school) (UWP)”.
Testing install/uninstall on Windows 10/11 tested well.

@Philip_Fordham @RYC-Kent or anyone else, give it a try and let us know any feedback.

Hi Gav, thank you!

However, I see the parameters missing, which are important


I also state that it seems as if “openashidden” is not working in the current teams deployment

@RYC-Kent do you have any references that advises this is possible to do with the new APPX version?
I’ve not seen anywhere to suggest this is possible with the new APPX version of the teams client.

@Gav does this help?


The above is supposed to be modified to work with new teams, it may also work with old teams.

Below are my notes and research on the subject, but I think the above solves the problem

The setting you’re looking for is “openAsHidden”:true
To dispense with the annoying first-run spamming, look for “isAppFirstRun”:false

Yes, you get to set this for every user profile.

not directly related, but this would be a good task, posting here

also this guy may be my new favorite guy, watch out Gav, Darren, Kelvin, Joey (in no particular order, don’t get jealous)