Where do I start learning for scripts?

So to give a little background, I am pretty familiar with running and understanding powershell commands and I use that on a regular basis. I am pretty familiar with the overall idea of scripting but just not with the syntax for powershell.

I want to go learn everything I can so that I can eventually write custom scripts without having to piece it together from articles every time. Is there any specific direction you guys would recommend focusing on?

For example should I focus on finding beginner info on powershell scripting specifically or is there a different fundamental that I should look into first.

Or if you dont have a suggestion for a general direction do you have any places you learned from or still reference? Especially anything referencing immy itself.

Im going to put in the work I just want to make sure I am not wasting my time going in a direction I really dont need.

Thank you for any infodump you may have in advance.

I’m very new to immybot so pls take that into account with any advice, someone more experienced can likely offer you more/better advice :

I’ve been starting by checking out the global configuration tasks, and viewing the set scripts in the code viewer, I’ve found it a decent way to see the code and functions in general, and they show me as well how to make parameters, and the $whateverYouCalledIt variable that you can reference in your script.

I just had a look and the configure zoom task is relatively straightforward and demonstrates this ^


Global configuration task: Configure-Zoom

Script #2195 Configure-Zoom Combined Script

Also to help in terms of practice, I happen to have an app for which the vendor has extensively documented the deployment options, this has helped me to start making a deployment for an app that has a few moving parts in terms of installation (I’m tinkering with Trimble business center)

In terms of pure powershell help - (Get-Help (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn)

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